A lot of people in California stay in contact with their ex-partners after breaking up. But when you get into a new relationship, does contact…
California residents know that it’s difficult going through a divorce. Soon-to-be former spouses have to split up everything from their home to their children to…
Your spouse asks for a divorce, and your first thought isn’t even for yourself. It’s for your children. You know how important their education is,…
Children need to have a relationship with both their mother and their father. This is especially true after divorce, when these relationships can change. It’s…
People have a lot of misconceptions about financial support in divorce. They often feel like the payments the court orders are unfair or put them…
For better and worse, divorce changes your finances. Maybe your spouse spent most of your money, so you assume you’ll have more financial freedom. Maybe…
After a divorce, it may be frustrating to see your child less. You and your ex-spouse may have bad blood between you, but you know…
If the time comes to talk to your spouse about getting a divorce, there will be many details that require your attention. For example, it’s…
Talking to your teen about what you’re going through with divorce probably isn’t something you’re eager to do. No parent wants to break bad news…
Couples who choose to divorce often worry about keeping the matter calm and civil, but also private. While a divorce may remain responsible and civil…
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